Page 11 - Divine Dialogue by David Riflin - Flip It & Read It
P. 11
Imagine you could utter a few words and meet your soul
Imagine you could utter a few words and nd a parking
Imagine you utter a few words and that window with the
spinning wheel....
… that you almost gave on... suddenly loads.
Imagine you utter a few words, and you feel more powerful.
Imagine you utter a few words, and you can do twice as much as before...
Imagine uttering a few words and you get a phone call a few minutes later from
someone who wants to cut you in on a business deal.
I’m not saying you’ll be able to y.
But I am saying that short of that, there’s nothing you can’t have...
You know that throughout history people have always prayed...without exception.
So you know that if it became that popular and stayed that popular until today....
then it must contain some power.
You just don’t think it’s a power we can actually control... and make predictions
But that’s where you’re wrong.
Bottom line?